Custom Camp T-Shirts Worth Singing Around the Fire About

What do most great camping trips have in common?

Do you know what doesn’t go well with this picture? Basically worthy of incorporating into your next spooky campfire story, because a bad t-shirt can be truly fear-inducing.

High-quality custom t-shirts can be a camp game changer—especially if you’re planning a camp gathering for a large group of people. To do camp shirts right, though, you have to consider a few important things that will ensure your custom design becomes the wearable souvenir your attendees will come back to again and again.

Your camp t-shirt design — some key players

Our sustainably sourced materials are made from an excellent variety of top-tier fabrics such as cotton, polyester, and rayon—or a tri-blend of all 3!

Then, there are our ink selections. Other competitors get in the habit of using cheap, synthetic make-ups of plastic-based ink that simply do not produce a longstanding design.

Color is critical in making your custom camp shirt stand out—and when designing your own summer camp t-shirt, you can feel confident knowing that we can color-match to any Pantone shade for the most seamless color blend possible.

Yellows, whites, oranges, earth tones, and black are a few of the color schemes that come to mind for a more authentic camp shirt design. If you’re struggling with how to best bring your design to life, our art team has a ton of industry knowledge and expertise.

The font you choose can also go a long way in making your design feel unique, ownable, and specific to your event.

Why custom camp shirts matter

An original, lightweight camp t-shirt will give you comfort and peace of mind for any group trip you’re on—including times when you really wish you had a mute button for the cacophony of screaming children fighting over the last Twinkie.

Think back on the camp days of your past—or even any large event you’ve been to. Chances are, you’ve still got a couple of t-shirts in your drawer from these moments. I sometimes joke that my t-shirt drawer is basically a resume, containing artifacts from every major event/season of my life. There’s something to that, though—and it’s part of why creating unique, specific custom t-shirts for events is such a good idea. Wearing the same thing creates a sense of unity among attendees, both while actually at the event and then beyond.

We’ve seen people do all sorts of creative things with their camp shirts—from having attendees sign the garment on the last day of camp (almost like a wearable yearbook), to sewing together multiple years’ worth of shirts to create the ultimate cozy souvenir in the form of a t-shirt blanket.