Discover the Different Types of Home Styles You Should Know About

When you are in search of your dream home, you want something that fulfills your requirements well. Before you buy a home that you like, you should first consider investing some time in knowing the type of home structure designs you can find. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of houses you can settle in.


We all know about apartments and condominiums. Another form of home is co-ops. A co-op may appear to be just like an apartment or condominium building structure physically. However, when an architect designs a co-op on a piece of paper, it is very different from other home designs.

Usually, people who make an investment in co-op properties are stakeholders. These stakeholders or shareholders are provided with a proprietary lease that gives them the right to live in a certain unit. Co-ops are also in the form of units in a building just like apartments and condos. The main body that owns the co-op style of housing is usually a cooperative corporation. The corporation is responsible for arranging the administrative affairs of the building. Also, the highest authority is a board of directors that are made in charge after a selection.

Tiny Home

As the name suggests, a tiny home is 50 to 400 square feet in size. There are a lot of architectural styles in which tiny homes can be made. You will see a lot of tiny houses which are pre-fabricated with custom interior and exterior features. These homes are also becoming very popular among many people, as urban sprawling takes place. If you’re looking for homes for sale, then tiny homes are also a good option.

Mobile Homes

With the movement needs of a big amount of masses, the concept of mobile houses has also come into existence. These homes are also known as manufactured homes. Mobile homes are homes that are built in factories. Once they are manufactured and purchased, these homes can literally be transported as they are affixed to a permanent chassis with wheels. The big advantage of mobile homes (also called manufactured homes) is that they can be installed in both permanent and temporary locations.

Cape Cod

The cape cod is an architectural design of homes that became a thing in the early 18th century. The look of a cape cod style house is charming, however, it is also very solidly built at the same time. The sturdy structuring of the cape cod home enables the structure to withstand the most intense types of weather.

The cape cod style homes made in the very beginning were constructed using wood siding, roof shingles, and a central door with a window. However, with the evolution of architecture, a cape cod home design is made more spacious with more than one window.

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Colonial Style

The colonial-styled homes are a lot like the cape cod homes. With rectangular buildings, the colonial homes have a structure in full symmetry. As the name suggests, the colonial-styled home is inspired by the cultural heritage of the country that ruled a specific country – and brought its own styles of home construction. The different types of colonial homes come from the French, English, Dutch, and Americans.