What is Gynecomastia?

             Have you ever heard of the word gynecomastia? For those who have never heard of it and want to know what it is, then you have come to the right place. Gynaecomastia is a medical term that is often used to describe the appearance of breasts in men. This condition is usually not harmful, however it can be an embarrassment and the person that has it might develop a sense of insecurity towards their own body. However, some of the men that developed gynaecomastia also reported to feel pain around their breast area. This condition can be easily picked up by the patient themselves or through health screening. If you want to know more about this condition and all the details regarding it, then continue reading this article until the last passage.

             So, why do some male develop gynaecomastia? The main cause for gynaecomastia is the imbalance of hormones in one’s body. In a human body, there are two types of sex hormones. The first one is called testosterone, while the other one is called estrogen. What is the function of these hormones? The function of testosterone hormone is to develop male characteristics in a person, such as body hair and muscle mass while the estrogen hormone helps to develop female traits such as human breasts. In a male, the testosterone hormone is very dominant, but there is still some estrogen hormone. It’s just that estrogen is not as abundant as testosterone in a male. While in a female, the situation is reversed. Females have more estrogen hormones than testosterone. In someone with gynaecomastia, there are some hormone imbalances causing the level of estrogen hormone to be higher than the testosterone hormone. This is the main reason why a male can develop gynaecomastia.

             There are three types of gynaecomastia in this world and all of them are usually caused by hormone imbalances. One of them is gynaecomastia in infants. Generally, babies with this condition are born with enlarged breasts. This is due to the passing of estrogen hormone from their own mother. Usually, this condition will go away after 2 or 3 weeks. The second type of gynaecomastia is known as gynaecomastia during puberty. This is one of the most known cases in someone that is trying to hit puberty. This condition will usually go away after 6 months to 2 years. Lastly, we have gynaecomastia in adults. This is one of the conditions that affect most of the male in this world. In fact, it is noted that the prevalence for gynaecomastia in men aged 50 to 80 years old is from 24% to 65%. That is actually a pretty big percentage. However, the man that suffers from gynaecomastia usually has no symptoms and should not worry too much about it.

             But, some of them are reported to have symptoms of gynaecomastia. Usually, they will feel a little bit of pain around their breast. Besides, their breast tissue might get swollen and it will cause the person to feel uncomfortable about it. They might also experience breast tenderness or having nipple sensitivity especially when it rubs against their clothes. If any of the symptoms experienced gives you any kind of concern, it is advised that you meet your doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will then do some check on your breast and he or she will decide what is the best treatment option plan for you at this stage. Usually, some doctors might suggest using medication in order to correct the hormonal imbalances. Usually, surgery is often not required in this type of case.Know about our Hajj vaccination Package.